Sunday, January 14, 2007

R.I.P. Sista Alice!!

Isn't great quality video but STILL sounds good! I'm kicking myself that I didn't go see her when she performed in Jersey a few months AGO...DARN IT!


In sad , yet joyous news Pianist Alice Coltrane passed away on January 12th. She will surely be missed by her family and the world but now she can join her husband John in heaven!

I will feature her music in the next blog...For more information on this great Sista click the link below:

Jermaine.....why why why??

Are you not ONLY going to be on 'CELEBRITY' Big Brother but also what's with the S-CURL/MAGIC WAVE/GREAZY hi-top LOOK u been wearin since the 80's ...WHY??

My 'Motivation' To Blog...

Old pic but i like it lol...anywho someone asked me yesterday: What's my 'motivation' to blog so much...Well, for me being a writer who's finishing up a book, blogging as I do, gives me much needed breaks from time to time. I also think to many people are too caught up in other people's lives, particulary uninteresting and untalented 'celebrities'.

Mass media helps to promote these individuals and it helps to keep the staus quo intact by keeping us distracted from the REAL issues of the world, while simultaneously the TRULY talented and interesting individuals in entertainment and the arts are ignored or overlooked . But instead of 'beating' folks over the head with 'knowledge' I try to keep it light, funny quizzacle and THEN thought-provoking from time to time...It is my hope that I can ultimately be a service to people who are interested in things that TRULY matter in life...

How YOU doin?

Damn damn damn, Another one bites the ummmm well i think u know the WTF is Los Angeles Clippers guard Cuttina ugh I mean 'Cuttino Mobley' wearing or not wearing i should say and what's with the lip gloss?? SMH*

Nia and Yao Ming? WTF?

First it was the fight in the mall between her baby daddy and some dude she was dating and now Nia is dating Yao Ming? WTF? Sounds like this chick is turning into Halle Berry minus the drunk driving.....hmmmmmmm

Jam of the day-Music To Live By.......

John Coltrane

I used to love her...

Just like hip-hop she used to be sooooo 'real' but now from head to is there ANYTHING real left?

I wonder if....

This chick ((Tara 'saved' by Rughead Trump' Conner)) is ((still)) in 'rehab' hmmmmm....wonder if she ever REALLY went.....hmmmm

Another Case of Affluenza?

Paula Abdul...drunk, high or BOTH....too much time, too little talent, but too much money and too much access to booze, drugs or both...WOW..this is just sad...