Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Wacky Pat Speaks Again!!

Wacko 'Preacher/ Minister/Televangelist' has his anuual 'Fear Based' predictions based on 'visions, dreams and conversations' with his ((emphasis mine)) GOD. Robertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September.
Just goes to show you how a fear based understanding of GOD works it any wonder that MOST 'Real Christians' like Robertson, voted for Bush TWICE??

Scary Murphy...Just wants her man back!!WTF??

In another WTF moment in the SURREAL world of 'CELEBRITY ROMANCE' and *despite the fact that he publicly dumped her while she is pregnant, Mel B wants Eddie Murphy back. Sources say the former Spice Girl has turned to voodoo to woo Murphy back to her. Apparently, Mel is willing to forgive Murphy for the public humiliation. She just wants her man back. Mel B has had meetings with a voodoo priestess and she has been drinking concoctions hoping he will return to her.

She has also been rubbing cigars into her arm, and stuffing her underwear along with his in a jar. Maybe this is the reason they call her Scary Spice! Mel B is at the end of her rope, and she doesn’t want to raise another child alone. She already has a seven-year old daughter. Mel B believes she is perfect for Eddie Murphy, but he is easily influenced by his friends who want to drink and get high all day. Murphy feels betrayed by Mel B, and he doesn’t believe that the child she is carrying is his. Mel B says she got pregnant by Murphy the first time they slept together. Why would a man who already has six kids sleep with a woman for the first time with no protection?!! Murphy says he doesn’t believe the child could be his because he has proof that Mel was also seeing another man. He wants a DNA test. If the baby turns out to be his, it could cost Murphy between $15- 30 million. That’s no voodoo. That’s a payday for Mel B!

*By the way I jacked this 'story' from Ms. Marci via Celina Monae on YAHOO 360 thanx ladies


This is the only pic I could find of these two....It's 'TOOTIE' aka Kim Fields from 'The FACTS OF LIFE' and 'Living Single' and actor Chris Morgan, both have announced that Kim is pregnant, but word is that Chris has a lil Al Reynolds-Star Jones's husband in him ((if ya know what i mean))....hmm.. to be honest I'm (((STILL))) mad at 'TOOTIE' for getting that breast reduction.AND that platinum, grey, blonde dreadlock hairy thingy she has goin on...

So NOT Gangsta...

Yeah I know this kinda OLD NEWS a few months old at least but Lil Wayne calling Baby his 'daddy' just seems umm well...HOPEFULLY you get the picture....I KNOW those two have a 'history' and Baby supposedly 'raised' the tattooed, gold, diamond and platinum tooth wearing wearing, pink shirt, gangsta rappin Wayne into the 'man' that he is....but dang...kissing like this EVERYTIME u greet each other?? hmmmmm not 'very but hey MAYBE IT'S JUST ME!

Too Easy

Now why would he wear this shirt? So many things can be said about HIM ((of all people)) wearing it...i'll let this

Obama's Crackhead Past...

I read an article this morning on MSN that said Obama's past drug use could be a problem...Just made me think about 'W', didn't he use coke too? Anywho, it's 'funny' how the Matrix, ugh I mean 'media' looks for ALL angles to try to 'create' a story or issue, in this case MANY of us know it's NOT Obama's past that will 'hurt' him it's his complexion....too harsh a assertion you think?? Ok I'll take that back, but let's just see how well he plays in the South , Midwest ((outside of his home state of Illinois)) and in western and northwestern states...but hell let's see how 'Hillary' plays there too....Maybe It's Just Me but I think John Edwards has the BEST chance of all the Democrats right now and although he's not a 'bad' candidate, he's NO Bill Clinton ((who I'm NOT that huge of a fan of either)).....