Sunday, February 11, 2007

Jam Of The Day-My Favorite Things by David LIebman

One of my FAVORITE Songs...this is a VERY nice version....check it out...

Even tho I don't know her name

This sista from Girlfriends gets a BIT flyer EACH time I see her....

Black History Quote of the Day...

'Just like you can buy grades of silk, you can buy grades of justice'
Ray Charles

This chick thinks it's 'FUNNY' to use the N word....

or so that's what i heard 'comedian'Sarah Silverman say in a interview recently...she has a show on HBO i believe so I'll let y'all know...if i catch the show..

Nice to see a BLACK hollywood couple..BUT...

I do hope 'Ceddie' tries to lose some weight this can NOT be healthy i KNOW it could be worse but dang come on main...u can AFFORD a personal trainer...maybe it's just me....