Thursday, January 4, 2007



First he tried to 'trademark' the word 'NI__GA' for a clothing line last year, then he created the very over the top but UNFUNNY 'THE UNDERGROUND 'comedy series' on SHOWTIME, then he got 'banned' for using the 'N' word 16 times a few days after the infamous Micheal 'Kramer' Richards rant and tonite he retakes the stage at the 'LAUGH FACTORY'....I wonder why can't black comedians be funny WITHOUT using that word? If the greatest comedian ever- Richard Pryor could stop using and the very funny Paul Mooney stop using it and STILL be funny, why can't others follow their lead?

I mean if you wanna be good or try to be GREAT why not raise the bar like Pryor and Mooney? But I guess if you are NOT funny or talented you have to try to reach the LOWEST common denominator for a laugh....sad when u think about all the people lynched having to hear that word only for u to continue to use it, yet get mad when other people use.....smh....i'll just use MY own N word for idiots like Damon and his brothers Marlon and Shawn ((for their own wack azz show THE WAYANS BROTHERS)) negroes PLEASE!!

This is a WHITE dude who has a CLUE...

Maybe It's Just Me but this dude can FLOW!! and maybe just maybe the VH1
WHITE RAPPER SHOW will be worth watchin hmmmmm

SUV FOUND in Darrent Williams Murder Investigation

For More Information click link below:

Not too sure how I feel about this....

According to Hollyscoop, Halle Berry is pregnant with this dude's baby. HMMMM, well his actual name is Gabriel Aubry and he's supposed to be a Canadian 'Supermodel'. While it's nice to see Berry 'happy' for a change...I just can't get that scene on the living room floor with Billy Bob Thorton when I look at these two....I know that's a BAD comparison but hey MAYBE IT'S JUST ME....

Source for story:

New Muslim congressman Ellison to Use Jefferson Koran for Swearing In

In a brilliant move, the new Rep.-elect Keith Ellison, D-Minn., decided to use the centuries-old Koran during his ceremonial swearing-in on Thursday after he learned that it is kept at the Library of Congress. Jefferson, the nation's third president and a collector of books in all topics and languages, sold the book to Congress in 1815 as part of a collection.

Some critics have argued that only a Bible should be used for the swearing-in. Last month, Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., warned that unless immigration is tightened, "many more Muslims" will be elected and follow Ellison's lead. Ellison was born in Detroit and converted to Islam in college.

Whatever dude! We are SUPPOSED to be a open, free, fair and DEMOCRATIC society, if the people elected him I don't see what the problem is. Where is it written that ONLY Christians can serve in government? Anyway....

When will he SHUTUP??

Egocentric and Meglomaniac Donald Trump just won't shut up when it comes to Rosie O'Donnell, the high end and rise slum lord is now saying the Rosie will be fired from 'The Wire', he claims to know this because he's good 'friends' with Barbara Walters and has the 'inside word' that Walters doesn't 'like' O'Donnell. Walters claims any case I sure wish this creep would go away and just focus on his crappy azz 'reality' show. Dude it's time you KNOW that the only people who even 'pretend' to like you are on your payroll and of course that crappy 'The azz kisser-ugh I mean Apprentice' SHOW ......