Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Rev. Al Hair Watch update...

Ok I'm sitting up here watching the Reverend Al Sharpton on New York One(A Newshow here in NYC) and he's (((still))) wearing that damn PERM...booooooo !! He said that when James Brown passed he would STOP wearing it.....smh...Maybe It's Just Me but who in the hell would vote for A BLACK MAN with a PERM for President?

Maybe It's Just Me BUT.....

I have an EXTRA appreciation of Erykah, after watching this clip ...whoa...

Could this mean PEACE in the MIDDLE EAST?

Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said today that the existence of Isreal is a REALITY and that the only problem is that the Palestinian state doesn't. The acknowledgement of Isreal's existence in itself along with a bonified Palestinian state can be a HUGE stepping toward a lasting PEACE thoughout the entire region....Well um maybe not in Iraq or Afghanistan as long as U.S. forces are there hmmmmm but hey this is a decent development...


Yep it's true!! Kanye West will be on a reality show on HBO. The show will focus on his 'hectic' life...I think this may actually be a good show. I'm still a HUGE fan because despite his HUGE and sometimes outta control ego, the brotha speaks TRUTH about what's going on in America and the world, much more than the average 'rapper'

Maybe It's Just Me BUT...

Dosen't Tyra actually look BETTER with a little meat on her bones?? hmmmm


Tonite 'W', will give a speech about Iraq, requesting to send 20, 000 or more troops to the country. Most people in the country are now against the war and will SURELY be against this plan for a troop 'surge'.

Maybe It's Just Me but this war is something that can NOT be fixed with any new amount of troops sent over there. 20,000 may help prevent some of the violence over but it will surely add to it as well.
The fight over there is now between Sunni and Shiite.

Sure Bush and crew 'broke' Iraq but he can't fix it. The invasion of this country opened up a can of worms and the only losers are Iraq's and after the U.S. finally leaves things will only get worse, but if they stay only the U.S. will only lose more troops. Damn if you don't damn if you do.....This among other things just goes to show that 'W' is TRULY Worst President Ever!!

I Kidd You NOT! Jason now claims his wife BEAT him! Files for Divorce

In more surreal news from the world of sports and priviledge, New Jersey Nets basketball star Jason Kidd has filed for divorce claiming that his wife is physically and mentally abusive. Kidd claims 'extreme' cruelty in his suit and wants a restraining order against Joumana-his wife. Kidd also says she has interfered with his relationship with his children. There allegedly was even a incident in December when Joumana used TJ to gain access to the NETS locker room while Kidd was in a game, where she rummaged through his personal belongings. After supposedly finding several phone numbers of other females in his cellphone , Joumana left TJ in the locker room and went out to her seat in the arena and began shouting obscenities at Kidd, among other things.The Kidd's also have two daughters.

Hmmmmm, I've personally heard about this chick and know Kidd's 'other' son, who he had BEFORE even meeting his curent wife. I heard she was controlling and didn't want Kidd to have a relationship with his son, so I'm inclined to believe some of this. As for the 'abuse' hmmm not too sure. If she's 'crazy' enough to try to block his relationship with his children anything is possible though. Seems like both of em are a little twisted though and they probably need to split sad to say....Stay Tuned, I'm sure there's more drama to follow.....

Brown's Body Yet To be Buried...

As the family continues to fight over Soul Brother Number One's Estate his body has yet to be buried! WTF?? I don't know about you all but I sure plan to spell out who gets what CLEARLY before I go ....smh