Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Obama's Crackhead Past...

I read an article this morning on MSN that said Obama's past drug use could be a problem...Just made me think about 'W', didn't he use coke too? Anywho, it's 'funny' how the Matrix, ugh I mean 'media' looks for ALL angles to try to 'create' a story or issue, in this case MANY of us know it's NOT Obama's past that will 'hurt' him it's his complexion....too harsh a assertion you think?? Ok I'll take that back, but let's just see how well he plays in the South , Midwest ((outside of his home state of Illinois)) and in western and northwestern states...but hell let's see how 'Hillary' plays there too....Maybe It's Just Me but I think John Edwards has the BEST chance of all the Democrats right now and although he's not a 'bad' candidate, he's NO Bill Clinton ((who I'm NOT that huge of a fan of either)).....

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