Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Ok Fam and Friends..I'll be HONEST I could give a DAMN about VALENTINE'S DAY...and here's MY top TEN reasons to NOT celebrate the ish...

1. We (Black AND Brown Folk) Don't OWN FTD, nor Russell Stovers, so why should we make THEM even more RICH ?

2. Candy is BAD for your teeth -and sugar is bad for your HEALTH !

3. If we don't celebrate or practice KWANZAA , something that could ACTUALLY empower us on all levels (and teach us how to LOVE and SUPPORT one another) why should we celebrate this ish?

4. Flowers fade and DIE. ((eventually))..and so will Pookie's 'love' after he HITS it ...cuz he made u feel 'special' for a day...

5. Cupid is STUPID...I'd be worried about some lil fat white dude with wings and a bow and arrow who shoots me in the BUTT and i 'suddenly' fall in love.... ugh...

6. Love is a DAILY reality made possible by GOD..and Valentine' day is too much like church ..something u practice only ONCE a year... like going to church on Easter..

7. Most of y'all are NOT with the one's you ((REALLY)) wanna be with ..come on MAIN don't front I ((DO READ THESE 360 BLOGS)) ....

8. Why trivialize and commercialize LOVE so blantantly in a country and world that practices everything BUT love?

9. It's BLACK HISTORY month...let's STAY focused on that...and LOVE each other for a YEAR then MAYBE next year we can talk about 'VALENTINES'...

10. If you can't or WON'T buy my book about DATING, RELATIONSHIPS AND LOVE. to actually get a CLUE about all the above...why u giving or expecting 'GIFTS' on this day from that FOOL...who aint actin right for the other 364 DAYS of the year? wtf? A BROTHA is tryin to hip u to some ish...come on now show some love and click the link:

LOL ok Y'ALL KNOW i had to throw that ish in lol...but HELL yeah i MEAN EVERY friggin word think about it...and NO i aint against 'LOVE' i'm just for us loving self FULLY and on our own terms and NOT because someone ELSE set up a 'HOLIDAY' to REALLY just make money...

I mean would u REALLY go to MICKEY DEE'S on THANKSGIVING day? and even if you did your arse would be hungry STILL later in the day and sick too...hell why NOT learn what love is BEYOND what some fast food 'holiday' says it is.....that's why i wrote the book....MUAH

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