Wednesday, January 3, 2007

So NOT Gangsta...

Yeah I know this kinda OLD NEWS a few months old at least but Lil Wayne calling Baby his 'daddy' just seems umm well...HOPEFULLY you get the picture....I KNOW those two have a 'history' and Baby supposedly 'raised' the tattooed, gold, diamond and platinum tooth wearing wearing, pink shirt, gangsta rappin Wayne into the 'man' that he is....but dang...kissing like this EVERYTIME u greet each other?? hmmmmm not 'very but hey MAYBE IT'S JUST ME!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! don't hate...some men are just very...'affectionate' my boyfriend kisses his brother and his best friend everytime he sees him (albeit its never on the mouth)and i can vouch for the fact that he's not gay.