Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Interesting couple indeed...


Been Underground....but i'm back....details soon...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dating Tip Of The Day....

No FIRST or even SECOND date should take place at someone's home...

Jam of the DAY....What They THE ROOTS

This video is basically the TRUTH about or BEHIND you standard RAP video..

Well dang...

Selma Selma Selma

Monday, March 12, 2007


My book of poetry will ALSO be published ..... :) im so HAPPY right now folks...sorry i have NOT been here but BOTH of my books are now getting love and published at the moment and that's taking ALOT of my time ...i will be back to posting soon tho in the meantime u can STILL purchase copies of my books by clicking the link below:

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Congrats AGAIN...

Job well done Forrest and Jennifer...Y'ALL MADE HISTORY!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I NOW have a PUBLISHER for my book!! details to follow soon :)

Friday, March 9, 2007

Dating TIP Of The Day....

BUY THIS BOOK!! :) my book covers MANY areas of dating and relationships and YES i also sale it in HARD copy form

How Y'all Doin....??

For some reason i can NOT get over this pic lol...maybe it's just cuz it's a SLOW day..... lol

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Dating Tip Of The Day...

If a man is REALLY feelin you he's NOT pushing up or trying to force sex to happen too quick..

Jam of the DAY-I Gotcha by Lupe Fiasco

One of the BRIGHT SPOTS in Hip-HOP right now..


hmmmmmm what would y'all say?? Sanaa or Keisha

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Dating Tip Of The Day...

A MAN SHOULD ((ALWAYS)) pay for the FIRST date...

Jam of the day...Cult of Personality by Living Colour


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Artest at it again....

Don't know what to say about this brotha...i KNOW he's still pretty young but i think he needs some SERIOUS counseling/therapy....for more on the LATEST incident see below:

But she aint messin with a broke broke broke,,,,

Awwww....the news is that this Chick 'Selita Eubanks' who's 'dating' Nick Cannon is ONLY around cuz of his growing 'celeb' status and pull....hmmmmmm

Jam of the Day....Faithfully by Journey

Dating Tip Of The Day...

No man wants a woman with a PERPETUALLY bad attitude..

Monday, March 5, 2007

Dating Tip of the day...

Love and Relationships are a PROCESS and NOT a event...

Jam of the Day....Buddy by the Jungle Brothers,,

The ORIGINAL 'Buddy' Song....

Sunday, March 4, 2007

One of the BEST Documentaries out...

If you wanna understand the genesis of 'Gangs' in LA and elsewhere check this documentary out

When it's time to just go bald....

ED your time is NOW!!

Maybe It's Just Me BUT...

What the HECK is goin on with Serena's eyebrows?? Damn just when I was beginning to feel her too...

Dating Tip Of The DAY....

No first date should take place at someone's home...this only makes sex more likely and sex too quick while dating RARELY leads to a long term and HEALTHY relationship...

Jam of the Day...Bring the Noise Public Enemy and Anthrax

Love this version of the i REALLY need to ask y'all once again? But I will ((What Y'all Know about this?))

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Been mad busy today...


Friday, March 2, 2007

Dating Tip of the day...and Me on the Radio Today..

'The MAIN reason to be in ANY relationship is to GROW'

Me on the radio today:

Jam of the Day-Ex Girl to the Next Girl Gangstarr

This is a SPECIAL SHOUTOUT and DEDICATION to that 'SPECIAL' SOMEONE i USED to really was 'real' sweety ((wink)).....


Is it a SHOCK that she's no longer (or never was) to Flav according to her....Now she's reportedly with Busta Ryhmes SMH....

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Dating Tip of The Day....

In the month of March I will be providing a dating tip of the day based on my book: Dating Games-A BROTHA SPEAKS UP...

Dating Tip#1 'Ladies remember that 'Men' work hard at love to merely get sex'.....

For more tips on dating and relationships check out my book by clicking this link


Jermaine? AWWW DAMN...i don't even KNOW where to start...*smh*

Jam of the Day...November Gun's and Roses..

Once again...I ask...'what y'all know about dis?'

Upgrade indeed....

even though he's getting more annoying by each ego-centric proclamation...this is Kanye's woman.....wonder what she thinks about George Bush and Black People....hmmmmm

Will someone PLEASE....

Just take her out of OUR misery..

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Jam of the day....Night of the living baseheads by Public Enemy

PE!! THE Greatest and most RELEVANT rap group of ALL TIME...

Black History Month Quote(s) of the day...

One of our greatest Leaders...I could just give ONE quote because he had so many GREAT quotes...check em out below:

“Up, up, you mighty race!/ You can accomplish/ what you will.”

“I know no national boundary where the Negro is concerned. The whole world is my province until Africa is free.”

“The whole world is run on bluff”

“Let it be your constant method to look into the design of people's actions, and see what they would be at, as often as it is practicable; and to make this custom the more significant, practice it first upon yourself.”

“Liberate the minds of men and ultimately you will liberate the bodies of men.”

“God and Nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make ourselves what we want to be. Follow always that great law. Let the sky and God be our limit and Eternity our measurement.”

“The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness”

Marcus Garvey
Black Internationalist Leader, Publisher, Enterpreneur, Journalist and Great Thinker....

What's REALLY hood J-HUD?

WHAT's ((really)) goin on with ya feet? ...hmmmm


There are no words...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Black History Quote of the Day...

'To be black and an intellectual in America is to live in a box. . . . On the box is a label, not of my own choosing'

Stephen Carter

Jam of the Day..Perdido by Duke Ellington, Willie 'The Lion' Smith, and Billy Taylor

Love this tune and these three are GIANTS of JAZZ piano..


How the HECK did she get a STAR on Hollywood Blvd??? wtf CAN anyone name a 'GOOD' movie she has been in??

Now that she's 'SINGLE'

Y'all need to keep her azz away from me.....cuz im a lil MORE than a 'fan' now......mmmmmmmm

Kerry Kerry Kerry...... somethin about this chick just DOES IT for me ....dang...

Monday, February 26, 2007

Congrats to Forrest Whitaker AND Jennifer Hudson but....

Do we (((REALLY))) need the OSCAR's to 'validate' how talented 'we' are ? Also how many of us have seen either Blood Diamond or The Last King of Scotland?? hmmmmm I'm not sayin...I'm just sayin... :)

Only Because he's...

Bobby Brown....

Jam of the Day-Fine and Mellow by Billie Holliday and Friends..

Once again I have to ask ...What Y'all know about dis?

Black History Quote of the day....

As a Poet and Writer I can soooooooo feel June on this quote:

'As a poet and writer, I deeply love and I deeply hate words. I love the infinite evidence and change and requirements and possibilities of language; every human use of words that is joyful, or honest or new, because experience is new. . . . But as a Black poet and writer, I hate words that cancel my name and my history and the freedom of my future: I hate the words that condemn and refuse the language of my people in America.'

June Jordan

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I will be doing BOOK signing today

Peace Family and Friends...

I just wanted you to know that I will be doing a reading and signing
from my new book Dating Games-A Brotha Speaks Up Vol. 1
In the Bradhurst Condominiums
2611 Frederick Douglass Blvd, Suite 2N
bet. W. 139th & 140th Streets, Harlem, NY
RSVP phone: 212.694.1747 or
If you live in the New York City or Tri-State Area and can't make it but would like a book email me at

Jams of the Day....Cameo 'WORD UP' and 'SINGLE LIFE'

Just thought I'd do a DOUBLE PLAY 'Jam Of The Day' BY Cameo ((one of my FAVORITE groups of the 80's))

Black History Quote of the Day....

'Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it. '

Malcolm X,

Virginia Lawmakers Pass Slavery Apology....Well ((Maybe)) It's A Start...

Last month, Delegate Frank D. Hargrove said that "black citizens should get over" slavery. The 80-year-old Republican voted for the "symbolic measure."

RICHMOND, Va. (Feb. 24) - Meeting on the grounds of the former Confederate Capitol, the Virginia General Assembly voted unanimously Saturday to express "profound regret" for the state's role in slavery.
Sponsors of the resolution say they know of no other state that has apologized for slavery, although Missouri lawmakers are considering such a measure. The resolution does not carry the weight of law but sends an important symbolic message, supporters said.

"This session will be remembered for a lot of things, but 20 years hence I suspect one of those things will be the fact that we came together and passed this resolution," said Delegate A. Donald McEachin, a Democrat who sponsored it in the House of Delegates. The resolution passed the House 96-0 and cleared the 40-member Senate on a unanimous voice vote. It does not require Gov. Timothy M. Kaine's approval. The measure also expressed regret for "the exploitation of Native Americans." The resolution was introduced as Virginia begins its celebration of the 400th anniversary of Jamestown, where the first Africans arrived in 1619. Richmond, home to a popular boulevard lined with statues of Confederate heroes, later became another point of arrival for Africans and a slave-trade hub.

The resolution says government-sanctioned slavery "ranks as the most horrendous of all depredations of human rights and violations of our founding ideals in our nation's history, and the abolition of slavery was followed by systematic discrimination, enforced segregation, and other insidious institutions and practices toward Americans of African descent that were rooted in racism, racial bias, and racial misunderstanding." In Virginia, black voter turnout was suppressed with a poll tax and literacy tests before those practices were struck down by federal courts, and state leaders responded to federally ordered school desegregation with a "Massive Resistance" movement in the 1950s and early '60s. Some communities created exclusive whites-only schools.

The apology is the latest in a series of strides Virginia has made in overcoming its segregationist past. Virginia was the first state to elect a black governor - L. Douglas Wilder in 1989 - and the Legislature took a step toward atoning for Massive Resistance in 2004 by creating a scholarship fund for blacks whose schools were shut down between 1954 and 1964. Among those voting for the measure was Delegate Frank D. Hargrove, an 80-year-old Republican who infuriated black leaders last month by saying "black citizens should get over" slavery.
After enduring a barrage of criticism, Hargrove successfully co-sponsored a resolution calling on Virginia to celebrate "Juneteenth," a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I know MOST Of Y'ALL have heard about how RATS invaded the KFC/Taco Bell in New York City the other's SICK ...I've eaten in that joint too...BUT ((NEVER)) again will I eat KFC NOR TACO BELL again! If it wasnt for the E-COLI in Taco Bell food found earlier this year or the fact the KFC pumps up it's CHICKEN with artificial ingrediants like steroids..this JUNK food is NOT worth the risk YUCK!!

Jam Of The Day...Let's Dance By David Bowie...

Black History Quote of the day...

'Anybody can observe the Sabbath, but making it holy surely takes the rest of the week'...

Alice Walker


What If I am a Black Woman?

TOO CUTE ...This Young Sista has some GREAT Parents and Teachers!!

Maybe It's Just Me but.....

Is Bill Maher trying to be the next 'Deniro' with his affinity for black women? hmmmmm

Friday, February 23, 2007

My book of Poetry

HEY FAM AND FRIENDS....I've decided to release my book of poetry in HARD COPY...below is a excerpt from the book you can purchase a copy by clicking this link:

When Lisa Smiles

arduously reminded, I back in time
canvassing the shifting, blistering moments
suspended, tormenting still, one’s mind
crooked days brewing desire, irony interwoven

love adoration in closed, unjustly forsaken
often in thou’s name I angle myself
envisioning what and where your are, perilously taken
unremitting those days offer deceiving wealth
even aton leaves me unabsolved
say what you will protest ! grimace in pain
profusely my heart bleeds pulsating unresolved
thusly, bitter sweetly I meekly speak her name
from the cradle to the grave I’ve known her smile

slowly killing me all the while

What's so FUNNY about all this is...

Neither Hillary NOR Obama can win in 08' Maybe It's Just Me who sees this..but if Kerrey couldn't beat can either these two win?


I ((really)) LIKE Ellen and her show ((even tho i don't get to see it that much)) but who's to say she's the new 'IT' Girl? what EXACTLY does that mean anyway?? The Media KILLS me with who it DEEMS as 'it' or 'in''s all BULL and a way to sell mags, rags , tv shows, newspapers and so forth........smh


Just wanted to give some SHOUTOUTS to a couple of EXCELLENT bloggers...Vanessa Woodward Byers muah love u sis...and THE SCOOP muah love u too ....keep doin what ya do...links to BOTH blogs are below:

Ummmmm ok?

Ok a FAN ((of your looks)) and BACK in the day I woulda been turned on by this pic...but what's REALLY hood with u sis??

Jam of the Day-The Blast by Talib Kweli

One of the few CONSCIOUS Rappers who get SHINE...

Black History Quote Of The Day...

Love this sista and this quote sums up MY thoughts EXACTLY:

'Of course I’m a black writer. . . . I’m not just a black writer, but categories like black writer, woman writer and Latin American writer aren’t marginal anymore. We have to acknowledge that the thing we call “literature” is more pluralistic now, just as society ought to be. The melting pot never worked. We ought to be able to accept on equal terms everybody from the Hasidim to Walter Lippmann, from the Rastafarians to Ralph Bunche. '

Toni Morrison