Friday, January 26, 2007

Maybe It's Just Me but.............

doesn't Minister Creflo Dollar's house and property seem a BIT excessive? What would JESUS think?? hmmmmmmmm


Diary of a Bad Black Woman said...

Still Stressing this matter? huh... Ok well my question to you is if you had the means to do so would you live this way? I know I would. ~ Kendra

Keala said...

don't even get me STARTED on this mess! I have much to preach on this topic.

Keala said...

to bad black did Creflo obtain those means?

What EXACTLY is he doing for the common folk of ATL?

I know he's a "man of God", but what EXACTLY makes a person a man/woman of God?

Diary of a Bad Black Woman said...

I would be behind you 200% if he obtained the means by only his church. However,he has a thriving business that he owns 100% without the support of his ministry.My only question I have for people is why is it so hard to accept when a minister or pastor lives in a mansion like this but its acceptable for a movie star, a singer or a rapper. People need to do research before you just assume that a preacher is just stealing from the church, its many of them struggling day to day to live. I'm sure its not God's desire for us to suffer in poverty, with bad credit and a 1 bedroom apartment. What's the difference?

And to answer your question, I think what makes a person and man or woman of God, is their faith and belief in God. Also , their desire to follow and be committed to his will for their lives.

This is just me talking though :)

Anonymous said...

it is a contradictory lifestyle regardless of how he earned his funds. how can you preach from the new testament every sunday talking about the struggles of the apostles and the suffering of jesus and humility, the meek shall inherit the earth, etc. when you live in material overindulgence. you can't do so justly. it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

i hope the pope reads this too - in his pradas

Anonymous said...

Aww, c'mon, it isn't like the Vatican is really, really nice inside... the Pope lives in total, abject poverty, so as to use every dollar/euro/yen to help the truly poor of the world.

Anonymous said...

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" 1 John 2:15.