Friday, January 5, 2007

If you have a daughter ((or son))..SEE THIS...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched this video and was shocked and enlightened. I am a white girl and i grew up in a small town that wasn't very mixed racially. I have african, asian and mexican friends and cherish them all, however race has never been a topic of conversation. When i heard that these BEAUTIFUL girls wanted lighter skin i was shocked. i never knew that there was racisim inside of black culture. The children that picked the white baby doll over the black one made me literally cry. I was not raised in racisim and apparently i am sheltered. My parents always had black friends and never made me feel that anyone was less then us. I actually thought this county was changing with the younger generations. I am wrong.

I will do everything i can to be more aware now. And i will do everything i can to defend the different racises of this country. ALL people are beautifull, i love dark and light. I just don't understand how someone could look at the color of someones skin and judge them!!! This is not the way america should be. We ahve so many peopel from so many different places, we should embrace that.

My vow to all african desendents is to defend you when i can. i know you may not need me to or care that i do, but i will. i will take no pity on anyone, i will only defend my fellow americans.

Keep your kinky hair and your dark skin. I love it.



Sorry if this isn't writen well as i am not the best writer.